Books / Livros

Tramline Trading – By John Burford

Tramline Trading: A Practical Guide to Swing Trading with Tramlines, Elliott Wave and Fibonacci Levels

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Tramline Trading - By John Burford

2014, 230 pages, by John Burford

“Tramline Trading: A Practical Guide to Swing Trading with Tramlines, Elliott Wave and Fibonacci Levels”. This is a super cool title, right?  But does it deliver?

NO!  This is a bizarre book where everything is shallow and subjective. Tramlines are just a fancy word for a “channel” built on another trendline. Just that! Everyone knows (intermediate traders) about Andrew’s Pitchfork, and channels for decades! Well, maybe the author just needed a “click-bait” using “tramlines”.

All trendlines positioning in this book are subjective, the Fibonacci theory is missing, even the super-complex Elliot Waves theory is missing, he just uses it everywhere he sees fit. No correct explanations.

The perl of this book about Elliot Waves is: “If you can count to 5, you have an edge!”

Totally absurd!  And worst, he put the waves wherever he wants, with NO explanation at all why he did it that way!


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