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The Complete Guide to Market Breadth Indicators – by Gregory Morris

The Complete Guide to Market Breadth Indicators - by Gregory Morris

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The Complete Guide to Market Breadth Indicators - by Gregory Morris

2015, 412 pages, by Gregory Morris

Do you know what Market Breadth is? This is probably one of the unknown Technical Analysis categories most new traders do not know.

I would say that instead of “The Complete Guide” I would call it “The Encyclopedia” of Market Breadth indicators. This is a phenomenal book written by Gregory Morris, with very detailed descriptions of almost all breadth indicators from market aces like Arthur Merril, Tom McClellan, Tushar Chande, Geral Appel, Norman Fosback, Joe Granville, John McGinley, Edwin Coppock, Pete Haurlan, and many others.

It is very well written and structured, beginning with what exactly are the components of a Breadth indicator, and then diving into the common ones, and in separate chapters, you will have: Advance Decline Difference indicators, Advance Decline Ratio indicators, New Highs New Lows indicators, Up Volume Down Volume indicators Composite indicators, and finally the famous McClellan indicators.

This is a wonderful book! I would say that it is a must-have!




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