Books / Livros

Expert Advisor Programming for Metatrader 5

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Expert Advisor Programming for Metatrader 5 - Creating automated trading systems in the MQL5 language

2018, 388 pages, by Andrew R. Young – This book is one of the very few about MQL5, and specifically written about Expert Advisor programming.  It is very well written and structured, containing all you need to build a novice-to-intermediate trading robot. But, if you never programmed before, you will need a deep course on MQL5 because the basics covered in this book are very very basic. If you are a seasoned programmer this is the only book you need, and the best we found around.

The only 2 glitches we found were that Control Structures (like IF…ENDIF / FOR…NEXT, etc) were misnamed as “operators” which is wrong and confusing. The other one is that all trading operations Classes were rebuilt from scratch instead of using the already built-in/native and famous Classes from MQL5. We understand the approach, but it was unnecessary. Instead, the author could focus more on the complexity of failing trades/deals/orders, trading systems, and many others. But, anyway, it is a very recommended book.




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