Books / Livros

Beyond Candlesticks – New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed

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Beyond Candlesticks - New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed

2001, 299 pages, by Steve Nison.

This is a great – ok, it is a little bit outdated – book.

Very informative, very deep, on how to identify Candlesticks Patterns. If you want to strenghten your foundation on Chart reading this book is a must-buy. One warning is those versions for the Kindle gadgets who couldn’t display properly the graphs and charts of the book. Look for the paper version or the digital version you could read on a tablet as a PDF…

The last chapters of this book gives you an addintional view on what kind of chart types you can use on your trading strategies like Kagi Charts, Point and Figure Charts, etc… Maybe it could light a spark on those who would like to experiment other ways to trade or to analize the Market Data…

Totally recommended!


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